NHS warning over infections

NHS Shetland’s public health team is providing guidance following a rise in viral and
respiratory infections, typically associated with the winter months in Shetland.

In a statement they said: “There are things that we can do to prevent the spread of infections, especially to help the most vulnerable people in our community.

“There is helpful advice on the NHS Inform website about what to do if you become unwell, including managing symptoms at home, how to prevent the spread, and when you may need further
medical help.

“If you have symptoms of respiratory or diarrhoea / vomiting infections, please do not
visit people in hospital or care homes.”

For respiratory symptoms (which may be due to Covid, flu, RSV or other viruses), the main points include:

• Stay at home, in particular, avoid contact with vulnerable people, whilst unwell
or have a fever. There is no minimum length of time you need to do this for, it
depends on your symptoms.  

• Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, dispose of tissues in
a bin and wash your hands.

• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand
sanitiser after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, and before you eat or
handle food.

• Ventilate rooms.

If you think you might have Covid, you do not need to test yourself unless you are in a group that is eligible for treatment.

There is more information on the website site including the local phone number (01595 743 393) to request an assessment for treatment if you are in an eligible group, you have symptoms and you have tested positive for Covid.

The following advice also applies:

• Stay off work until at least 48 hours after the symptoms have passed.

• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, particularly
after using the toilet and before preparing food – don’t rely on alcohol hand
gels, as they’re not always effective against diarrhoea and vomiting

• Disinfect any surfaces or objects that could be contaminated – it’s best to use
a bleach-based household cleaner.


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