Amenity trust wants to make the 25th annual Voar Redd Up another record-breaker
Shetland Amenity Trust has launched the 25th Voar Redd Up, the annual clean-up of roadsides and beaches around the isles.
The trust would like to make this year’s event the biggest yet, with the main weekend of action taking place on 28th and 29th April.
Originally launched in 1988, Da Voar Redd Up quickly became the largest community-based voluntary clear-up throughout the UK, with over 20 per cent of the population regularly helping. Last year 4,364 volunteers collected more than 60 tonnes of bruck from roadside verges, beaches and coastline.
Amenity trust environmental improvement project officer Sita Goudie said 25 years was a great achievement and trust would like to thank all the volunteers who had made it possible.
She said: “What they have achieved is quite incredible, supporting the Redd Up year after year and removing over 1,500 tonnes of bruck from our countryside.
“Last year was our highest volunteer numbers to date but we would like to welcome even more volunteers for the 25th Redd Up. Groups which participated last year should be receiving registration forms soon. For those who have not taken part before, or individuals who would like to join a group in their area, please contact the trust for further details on how to get involved.”
As well as providing an opportunity for the community to get together to improve their environment, taking part in the Redd Up can rise funds for local groups, and businesses and schools can earn points towards environmental schemes and awards.
The amenity trust supplies all gloves and bags and takes away all the bruck collected, free of charge. Bruck goes to the SIC waste management base where statistically only 10 per cent of waste is landfilled, making the Redd Up an even more environmentally friendly initiative.
Anyone wishing to get involved should contact Shetland Amenity Trust on (01595) 694688 or e-mail [email protected].
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