Dementia awareness events
This is Dementia Awareness Week, and various events have been planned through Alzheimer Scotland, whose local organiser is Ann Williamson.
Tomorrow there will be a reminiscence session in the Shetland Museum and Archives between 2pm and 3.30pm called Does du Mind?, focusing on summer holidays and summer activities.
Also tomorrow there will be a Midsummer Concert in the town hall at 7.30pm, doors open at 7pm.
On Thursday the Dementia Café will take place at the Baptist Church at Quoys from 10am to noon and in the afternoon there will be a knitting group in the upper bar café at Mareel from 2pm to 4.30 pm, in association with Shetland Arts.
Finally there will be bingo by Roxanne at Bonhoga from 7.30pm to 9pm.
On Friday there will be an information stand at Tesco from noon to 6pm.
ivan coghill
Will they have something to eat in The Hays Dock Cafe, the public museum cafe? Will they remember a time when poor folk were allowed in public facilities?