Vulnerable Shetland families set to benefit from £104,000 food funding

Struggling Shetland families are set to benefit from a six-figure government grant to provide food during the Covid-19 crisis.
The SIC has received £104,000 to help those normally in receipt of free school meals or clothing grants, who will receive regular payments as apart of the Scottish Government’s £30 million Food Fund.
The council put the payment system in place as soon as school closures were announced on 16th March.
As of 4th May, the payments were increased from £2.50 to £3 a day in recognition of the increased cost of living in Shetland.
The council’s education and families committee chairman George Smith said: ‘These are unprecedented times, and some families will be facing significant challenges, so we’d ask anyone who finds themselves struggling to get in touch.
“The council, along with third sector organisations and community groups are all working together to make sure that a range of support is available to anyone who needs it.
“There’s already an increase in the number of people coming forward to request support, some who have never been in that position before, and it is important to reiterate that there is no shame in seeking help, and that our services are here to support you in any way possible.”
A range of support is available for anyone who finds themselves struggling to access food during the pandemic, either because they can’t travel to the shops, or due to financial difficulties.
The Shetland Coronavirus Hub aims to help anyone who is vulnerable as the result of the pandemic.
It can arrange a wide range of support, including emergency food parcels, shopping by volunteers, information about local food shops and delivery, and access to foodbanks if required.
Shetland CAB is also available to provide advice on financial concerns, including access to benefits and grants, debt and energy advice.
Anyone who is in need of support should contact Shetland Coronavirus Hub on 0800 030 8780 or email