Driver was caught by dash cam, court hears

A driver who had his motoring misdemeanour caught on camera has been fined £400 at Lerwick Sheriff Court.
Kevin Duncan, 46, of Bruce Crescent in Lerwick crossed a solid white line when he overtook traffic coming into Lerwick on the north road.
But he was rumbled after his antics were caught on a dash cam.
On Wednesday Duncan admitted driving carelessly by encroaching onto the opposing carriageway while overtaking two cars.
The incident happened on the three-lane stretch of road that leads out of the town to the north, with traffic heading out of Lerwick benefiting from an overtaking lane.
Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said a solid white line was in place preventing traffic going into the town from overtaking.
“That’s clearly marked,” he said.
The fiscal added there was no oncoming traffic at the time of the offence, which happened in the afternoon of 19th July.
“But clearly he just gets fed up. He sees the road is clear and completely ignores the solid white line.
“The vehicle he was overtaking had a dash cam fitted and reported the matter to the police.”
As well as fining him Sheriff Ian Cruickshank also imposed three penalty points.