Young Shetlanders to have their voices heard through new islands network
Shetland’s bairns and other young island residents are being offered the chance to have a greater say on issues affecting their community.
The Young Islanders Network has been launched to ensure their voices are properly heard.
Their views will help shape the delivery of the National Islands Plan, which was launched last year setting out a range of objectives to improve the quality of life for island communities
It will explore issues such as the depopulation and any the young members feel most important to them.
Islands minister Paul Wheelhouse said: “The network creates a great opportunity for children and young people on our islands to get involved in having their say and making their views known on key islands’ issues and to help shape the future of their communities.
Youth Scotland, which is setting up the new forum, said it believed in better outcomes for all young people including in rural or island communities.
w conroy
All very well giving youngsters “a greater say on issues affecting their community” if they will actually be paid any attention to! Its not like the SNP listen to the adults of Shetland so why would they listen to the bairns?
James Paton
Disgraceful, cynical, belated attempt to try to actually enacted practical and meaningful outcomes of meaningjess Islands Bill and ‘ grab’ first time voters in May.
Young people instinctively know their future us tied up in a Green one, with proper reform and autonomy to local government .