Poll: If case numbers remain low, should the Scottish government move Shetland to a lower level of restrictions before April?

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced a road map out of lockdown on Tuesday, which could see restrictions significantly eased at the end of April.

But her statement was criticised for not referring to islands like Shetland and Orkney that are already under a lower level of restrictions.

Shetland has not recorded a new coronavirus case since Tuesday 9th February, and has only recorded two in the last 29 days.

Some people have questioned whether the isles could potentially move down to either level two or even one before the last week of April, if case numbers remain low.

Do you think Shetland should be moved down a level before that date? Have your say in our poll below:


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  • Charlie Hodge

    • February 25th, 2021 1:03

    We moved back to Shetland in November to be closer to family .
    I think it was unfair to put Shetland , Orkney and the Highlands for that matter with teir 3 when originally teir 1 , the central belt understandably went to teir 4 where the overwhelming cases were , so remaining in teir 3 for the isles where cases are so low seems very harsh
    Charlie Hodge

  • Jim Ivens

    • February 25th, 2021 11:30

    If we lower our internal security requirements, then we should strengthen our ingress requirements at the same time. If people entering Shetland were subjected to a strict quarantine, then life here could return to virtually normal in a matter of weeks.


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