Drink driver who collided with other car bailed

A 70-year-old man who collided with another car while more than five times the drink-driving limit was bailed at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Tuesday).
John William Tait, of East Burrafirth, pleaded guilty to driving the previous day with 122 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 22 microgrammes.
He also pleaded guilty to an amended charge of driving carelessly on the B9071 road and around the Eid Community Co-op.
Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie told the court that Tait had collided with another car while on a single-track road, and added that Tait’s vehicle had sustained some “fairly significant damage”.
Despite that, he continued on to the Eid Co-op in the damaged car, the fiscal said.
Sheriff Ian Cruickshank requested a criminal justice social work report and bailed Tait until 12th May.
A Crown motion to seize his car was granted by the sheriff.