Major investment expected to bring new job opportunities to North Yell

A project to expand a business park in North Yell has secured half a million pounds of investment.

Around 25 new jobs are expected to be created in the next three years following the boost from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the Scottish government’s Marine Scotland Fund.

Community development group North Yell Development Council (NYDC) is undertaking ambitious developments at Cullivoe Harbour to help local firms grow and attract more visitors.

Ten serviced sites for new or expanding businesses will be created following high demand from local companies, the majority of which operate in the marine sector.

Cullivoe is Shetland’s third largest fishing port and ranked 8th in Scotland with annual fish landings totalling around £6.9 million.

HIE is investing £248,545 in site servicing costs for the “phase two” project to extend the existing business park.

Marine Fund Scotland has awarded £250,000 and Shetland Islands Council an additional £25,000 to enable the project to be completed by next spring.

Local HIE manager Katrina Wiseman said: “We are delighted to support this community led infrastructure project, that will enhance Cullivoe’s already impressive track record in contributing to the social and economic wellbeing and growth of the region.

“Extending the business park will enable the growth of businesses on Yell and create well paid jobs in the marine sector, ultimately supporting the retention of families in the island and attracting skills and talent to the area.

“This would not have been possible without close working relationships with our key partners including Marine Scotland.”


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