Exam joy for pupils as results are out

Joy for pupils as exam results show that pass rates are up in Shetland compared to the rest of Scotland.
Pass rates for National 5, Highers and Advanced Highers are all above the Scottish average, with increases in pass rate for National 5 and advanced Highers.
Exams returned for the first time since before the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2019.
The A to C pass rate at National 5 is 86.6 per cent. In 2019, this figure was 82.3 per cent with the Scottish average this year at 80.8 per cent.
A to C pass rate at Higher is 79.5 per cent. In 2019, this figure was 81.9 per cent and the Scottish average this year is 78.9%.
Finally the A to C pass rate at Advanced Higher is 88.2 per cent. In 2019, this figure was 78.2 per cent while the Scottish average this year is 81.3 per cent.
Davie Sandison, Chairman of the Council’s Education and Families Committee said: “I’d like to congratulate all the pupils on their achievements, after sitting exams for the first time in three years.
“They’ve shown remarkable resilience in the face of the uncertainty and disruption caused by the pandemic.
“I would like to thank all the teachers, head teachers and support staff who have helped prepare our young people for exams this year and who have provided them with the health and wellbeing support to help them achieve their potential.”