Community funding awarded to two applicants

Shetland Islands Council (SIC) developments are to benefit from more than £300,000 funding from the Scottish government.
As part of the Islands Programme, it is being delivered in partnership with local government through a competitive bid process with the six island Local Authorities as lead applicants.
Applications to the IP have been subject to scrutiny and assessment by the Islands Programme Investment Panel which has made recommendations on projects to be funded.
Two developments are being funded through this programme, Aald Skul Enterprise Development and Papa Stour Kirk Development.
Aald Skull Enterprise Development has been granted £88,095 of funding which will be used for a new portable cabin, additional access and parking.
This social enterprise in a small community will be able to expand the range and volume of repaired, donated items offered for sale.
Papa Stour Kirk Development will benefit to the tune of £252,505.
Funding will be used to safeguard and improve the building fabric of Papa Stour Kirk, the only community facility on the island.
The work will protect the building for continued use and provide a stepping stone ultimately to a new community hub and visitor centre.
During her visit to Orkney, Islands Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “This is an important investment especially given the consequences of the cost of living crisis and climate change which are of particular concern for our islands. This investment will go some way in helping us support our island communities.”
Scottish Futures Trust is providing support and feedback for the projects.
Director for Strategy at Scottish Futures Trust, Tony Rose said: “Our infrastructure experts have been working with Scottish Government and the six island local authorities to ensure the Islands Programme delivers positive outcomes for island communities.
“This funding will now be invested in much-needed community infrastructure such as a low carbon children’s nursery and a circular economy social enterprise venture, that will support repopulation, economic growth and local jobs.
“Our focus now is on working with the successful applicants to see their projects come to fruition and achieve what the communities need.”