Up-Helly-A’ celebrations get under way in Nesting

The celebrations have begun as the Nesting and Girlsta Up-Helly-A’ has got under way.
Guizer Jarl Jonny Knight said he was feeling “strangely calm” as the day began.
“It’s exciting – there’s a good buzz in the air – and I’m sure everything is going to go well,” he said.
Members of the Jarl’s Squad have had to bide their time as Up-Helly-A’ celebrations repeatedly had to be put on hold due to the Covid pandemic.
But the time to shine has come at last.
Jonny said it was well worth the wait.
“In a weird way I think it’s a bit of a blessing, because it has built up the anticipation.
“It’s given us a bit of extra time to think about what we were going to wear, what we were going to sing, and what we were going to do.”