Lunna Kirk Preservation Group awarded £10,000

The future of the Lunna Kirk looks set to be secure after a major funding boost.
The preservation group dedicated to saving the historically-significant building has been awarded £10,000 from the Viking Community Fund.
The Lunna Kirk Preservation Group says the allocation will help secure its bid to take over the kirk.
“We are absolutely delighted to receive the support from the Viking Community Fund,” it said in a statement.
“This funding has given us the remaining money we need to purchase the Lunna Kirk and preserve this important part of our history and heritage.
“Lunna Kirk (St. Margaret’s) is the oldest working kirk in Shetland and with its Shetland Bus connection, it is so important that this remains open to the public so visitors can learn about its rich history.”
In February last year the Lunnasting community met community development officer Frances Browne and Church of Scotland ministers Frances Henderson and Lynn Brady.
They discussed the prospect of taking the kirk on as a community-owned building.
There was a strong desire to keep the Lunna Kirk as a community asset, and this was backed up by the results of a survey carried out shortly afterwards.
A working group was formed, which achieved charitable status in August last year.
Since then, the group set up a crowdfunding page and have held numerous successful fundraisers.