Lifeboat launched to aid vessel in difficulty

Lerwick Lifeboat provided assistance last night to an 11-metre yacht with engine problems that had anchored off the Mousa.

The Irish-registered yacht with two crew on board had contacted the coastguard to ask for assistance after discovering problems with their engine, possibly related to fuel systems.

Earlier in the day, the yacht had left Grutness and motored up the east side before encountering difficulties and taking shelter off the west coast of Mousa.

Lerwick lifeboat launched around 5pm yesterday and made good speed from Lerwick harbour to reach the vessel in around 30 minutes.

After putting a member of the lifeboat crew aboard to assess the situation, a decision was made to take the vessel under tow.

A tow line was established and the lifeboat and yacht made steady progress to Lerwick at around six knots, reaching Victoria Pier at around 7.30pm.

The lifeboat was then refuelled and made ready for service again.

Sea conditions were calm with light south easterly winds, Force 2-3, and an air temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius.

Coxswain Stephen Manson said: “We were pleased to assist this vessel who had encountered engine problems on their voyage north. With a forecast of strengthening winds and rain expected today, it’s a much safer option to be alongside in Lerwick Harbour where the crew can carry out inspection and engine repairs.

“Our volunteer crew are always available to be able to respond to request to launch.”


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