Heavily intoxicated man assaults two nurses trying to care for him

A 43-year-old man assaulted two nurses who were caring for him after he was found passed out in the road.

Wade Handley, from Bedlington, Northumberland, pleaded guilty by letter when his case was called at Lerwick Sheriff Court today (Wednesday).

Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said Handley had been taken to the Gilbert Bain Hospital at around 5.30am after being found unconscious in Burgh Road.

“To say he was heavily intoxicated, is probably an understatement,” Mr MacKenzie said.

The fiscal said Handley, formerly of East Voe, became “agitated” in the hospital and started waving his arms around.

In doing so, he punched one of the nurses caring for him in the head, the court heard.

She backed away from him, only for the accused to strike another nurse on her body.

Mr MacKenzie said the nurses asked reception to call for the police due to the level of aggression Handley was showing.

All the while they were trying to help him, he was acting aggressively.

Three officers arrived and found Handley asleep in the corner of the resuscitation room, the court heard.

“He was so intoxicated he could barely stand on his own two feet,” Mr MacKenzie said.

The officers had to stay throughout his treatment, such was the nurses’ concern for their safety.

Mr MacKenzie said the nurses felt “very exposed and vulnerable” and were relieved when the officers arrived.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank adjourned the hearing for the preparation of criminal justice social work reports.

He ordained Handley to appear in court for sentencing on 31st July.


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