Man accused of assaulting police officer ordered to leave Shetland until his trial

A 20-year-old man who denies assaulting a police officer has been ordered to leave Shetland until his trial.

Charlie Forsyth also pleaded not guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner when he appeared before Lerwick Sheriff Court today.

Forsyth, of Newburn Court, South Shields, is accused of assaulting a police constable by striking him and kicking him on the body at the Gilbert Bain Hospital.

He is also alleged to have behaved in a threatening or abusive manner in the Esplanade, the Gilbert Bain Hospital and Lerwick Police Station.

The incidents are alleged to have taken place yesterday (Tuesday)

According to the charge, he is alleged to have shouted, swore, kicked a cell door, spat at a cell window, repeatedly made threats of violence and uttered an offensive remark.

Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie asked for Forsyth to be bailed with the special condition he leave Shetland by midnight tomorrow and not return until his trial or for legal counsel.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank asked Forsyth’s defence agent Gregor Kelly if he was confident his client would be able to pay for transport back to Shetland for his trial.

“Because time and time again people are liberated on bail from Shetland and then we have to issue warrants to get them back to court,” Sheriff Cruickshank said.

Mr Kelly said he had “every confidence” Forsyth would be back for his court appearance

The trial is due to take place on 28th November.


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