Sports Awards 2024 launched

It’s game on again for our top sportsmen and women.

The Shetland Sports Award are back once again, celebrating the many sporting achievements over the last 12 months.

There has been a huge number of outstanding performances to be recognised.

The sporting calendar has been filled with major achievements from our sportspeople and coaches.

We are looking for your nominations in eight categories.

There are awards for Team and Young Team of the Year, Sportsperson and Young Sportsperson of the Year, Volunteer Coach of the Year and Volunteer of the Year.

There is also the Inclusivity Award for an individual, athlete of a club who has gone above and beyond to promote inclusivity in their sport.

And of course there is the chance to nominate someone for the Lifetime Endeavour Award – for the person you believe should be given special recognition for the devotion they have given their sport or sports.

There are plenty of potential contenders to choose from in what has been another exceptional year of sporting achievement.

Making your nomination is easy. The organising committee has decided to again do this year’s nominations online, given the very limited nominations made via a printed form in recent years.

They can be made via The Shetland Times website. You can find an electronic version of the form at

There is also a QR code in the advert on this page.

Links to the form will be posted on our social media outlets, as well as those of fellow sponsors – Shetland Recreational Trust, SIC Sports and Leisure, Ability Shetland, and sportscotland.

You have until midnight on Sunday 15th Sepember to make up your mind.

Once all the nominations are received a panel of judges will meet to consider them and select a shortlist of finalists, which will be revealed in this newspaper next month.

Each finalist will be invited to the grand ceremony at the Clickimin Leisure Centre on Friday 8th November, when the winners will be announced.

The Shetland Times editor Alistair Munro said: “We are proud to continue our association with the Shetland Sports Awards.

“We look forward to receiving nominations in what promises to be an exciting highlight of the sporting calendar.”

Here is an outline of what we are seeking from the nominations, which relate to achievements during the period from October last year to 15th September 2024.

Sportsperson of the Year

Awarded to the sportsperson who has shown outstanding commitment and performance.

Areas of consideration:

•Description of key achieve­ments

•Description of level of competition i.e. local, district, regional or national

Young Sportsperson of the Year

Awarded to the young sportsperson age 18 and under who has shown outstanding commitment and performance during the period.

Areas of consideration:

•Description of key achievements and level of competition.

• Detailed breakdown of each achievement – i.e. result, podium, score line, time ran etc.

Volunteer Coach of the Year

Awarded to a community club, district, regional or national coach who has made a significant impact on the progression of individuals or teams in their sport at a local, district, regional or national level. This is for coaches who volunteer.

Areas of consideration:

• Description of the athletes/players coached and at which level they perform

• Description of coaches commitment to nurturing and developing athletes/players – i.e. time commitment to training programmes and competition schedule

• Example of how the coach contributes to the local community

Team of the Year

Awarded to the team that has made the most outstanding achievement in competition.

Areas of consideration when completing your application:

• Sport played and leagues/tournaments/competitions/championships competing in

• Level of competition – i.e. local, district, regional or national

Young Team of the Year

Awarded to the young team aged 18 and under that has made the most outstanding achievement in competition.

Areas of consideration when completing your application:

• Sport played and leagues/tournaments/competitions/championships competing in

• Key achievements within time period – breakdown when/where, results etc.

Volunteer of the Year

Awarded to a person who has volunteered their time and made a significant impact or contribution to the development of individuals, clubs, sports or communities in Shetland during the period.

Areas of consideration when completing your application:

• How long have they been volunteering

• What they do, including details of where the volunteering takes place and how many hours they give

• Examples of how their voluntary work benefits the wider community

• Examples of going the extra mile

Inclusivity Award

Awarded to an individual, athlete or club who has gone above and beyond to promote inclusivity in their sport during the period.

Areas of consideration when completing your application:

• Description of how the nominee has developed or promoted inclusive practice within their club/sporting environment

• Impact on individuals/club/sport/community

• Examples of going beyond the call of duty

Lifetime Endeavour Award

Awarded to an individual who has made a positive impact, through sport, over their lifetime, through Shetland sports/clubs or within the local community.

Areas of consideration:

• Details of the role(s) played

• Examples of dedication to their role, participants and the wider community

• Examples of going beyond the call of duty


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