Anti-windfarm campaigners protest at SSE ‘celebration’ dinner

A group of around 20 anti-windfarm protesters campaigned outside a ‘celebration’ dinner marking the completion of the Viking Energy windfarm.

The controversial 103 turbine windfarm, including associated subsea connection to the national grid, has gone live – a project energy giants SSE says represents a £1.2 billion investment.

A number of events are taking place this week to mark the occasion, including a dinner tonight (Monday) being hosted at Shetland Museum.

A petition signed by 661 people was handed over by campaigner Laurie Goodlad to SIC leader Emma Macdonald.

The petition urged councillors to boycot the events, stating: “By attending, you are supporting Shetland down a very dangerous road.”

A handful of councillors attended tonight’s dinner, including Ms Macdonald, SIC vice-convener Bryan Peterson, and councillor Dennis Leask – all stating they were there to “engage” with industry leaders about community concerns.

The SIC political leader said: “I am going in to do my job. You have to be in the room to engage with people.

“I understand the [protesters’] feelings. I live here. I get it.”

Mr Peterson said he was on the side of the campaigners, saying: “I don’t disagree with them at all. I ultimately share their feeling.

“I have the opportunity here to be in the room with a huge number of influential folk that we don’t really get the chance to meet. I will take the opportunity to make our case.”

A large number of people connected to the project attended the dinner. Shetland South councillor Allison Duncan did not comment as he arrived.

Petition organiser Laurie Goodlad said 661 people had signed the petition since it launched on Friday.

The petition reads: “We, the undersigned, request that our elected and appointed representatives do not attend an event celebrating a project that has caused significant division in our community.

She said: “The petition, which has only had the weekend to gather signatures, has an awful lot of support from people in Shetland, and Shetlanders away from home. I urge you to think about Shetland, and what is right for the islands in this instance, boycotting this event would best serve your people. By attending, you are supporting Shetland down a very dangerous road.”

SSE said the “thank you” dinner was an internal event for partners and stakeholders involved in the project.


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