Tributes to former First Minister Alex Salmond

Tributes are being paid following the sudden death of former First Minister Alex Salmond.

The former MP and MSP, who led the country as leader of the SNP between 2007 and 2014, has died aged 69, after taking ill while in North Macedonia.

Shetland South councillor Robbie McGregor said: “I would like firstly like to express my condolences to his wife,Moira, his wider family and his many friends in the Independence cause.

“His main legacy was to bring credibility to the SNP despite the well publicised fall outs over the last few years.”

The SNP councillor added: “He was a giant of a politician and I will always remember his quote:
‘The dream will never die.’

“I believe his lifetime dedication to Scottish Independence will eventually lead to Scotland taking its place as a nation in world affairs.

“On a personal basis I was lucky enough to meet him on many occasions and always found him to be great company and interested in what we talked about.”

Highlands and Islands List MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston said: “I am shocked to learn of Alex Salmond’s death.

“He was a significant figure at both Holyrood and at Westminster for decades, and while I agreed with little of his politics, there is no doubting his commitment to the causes and constituents he served, nor of the influence he has had on Scottish political life. 

“My thoughts are with Moira, his family, friends and former colleagues. And with the many people from across my Highlands and Islands region who knew Alex and who will feel a sense of loss at his passing.”

It has been reported that Mr Salmond collapsed after making a speech in North Macedonia earlier today (Saturday).

He had led the SNP to power when they won the Scottish Parliament election in 2007. He also led the campaign for independence in 2014.


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