Royal Mail suspends postal service outside of Lerwick

Royal Mail has suspended deliveries to rural areas due to snow and ice.

The decision has left homes outside Lerwick without mail deliveries, and country shops are also without the latest edition of The Shetland Times. The paper is normally delivered to rural shops by Royal Mail.

Deliveries are expected to resume tomorrow, weather pemitting. However, a new yellow weather warning has been issued from 4pm today until 10am tomorrow.

The Shetland Times remains available in Lerwick shops. Shetland Times staff made deliveries in the town this morning.

Anyone in Lerwick with a subscription for The Shetland Times will receive their delivery today, but anyone outside Lerwick will unfortunately not.

A free calendar is included in The Shetland Times.

Royal Mail said it thanked customers for patience and understanding during this disruption to its service.

“Once the weather clears, we will ensure deliveries recommence when and where it is safe to do,” it said.


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