Hospital working at full capacity

The Gilbert Bain Hospital is continuing to operate at full capacity following news last week staff were working under “extreme pressure”.

But NHS Shetland says all surgical procedures went ahead as planned last week, thanks to staff who pulled out all the stops to ensure extra beds were made available.

The health service is monitoring the situation daily, assessing whether it can safely maintain planned surgical procedures as bed occupancy remains high.

All clinically urgent procedures will go ahead as planned. Cancellations will be “minimised” wherever possible.

Any patients who may be affected will be contacted directly.

Ongoing pressures across the health and social care system include:

• Patients with extended lengths of stay

• Patients awaiting transfer to specialist care

• Limited community beds

• Staff sickness in both acute and community settings

“We are working in close partnership to address these issues together,” the health service announced in a statement.

“The hospital and community health and social care services are working together to ensure patients receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

“We are jointly reviewing how we can improve flow across hospital and community settings to minimise delays and maintain patient safety.

“Our staff continue to work together to maintain safe and effective care, particularly at a time when the system is under strain.

“We have increased staffing levels to help maintain safety during winter pressures. We appreciate the commitment of colleagues across both hospital and community settings, whose ongoing efforts help
us maintain safe and effective care despite these pressures.”

NHS Shetland has asked anyone feeling unwell – especially with respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms – to refrain from visiting the hospital or any care home settings.

“We understand this can be a challenging time, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding. Please know that we will keep you updated as the situation progresses.

“Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.”


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