UPDATED: Tribute paid to Wishart after decision to stand down

Tribute has been paid to isles MSP Beatrice Wishart, following her announcement that she will stand down at next year’s Holyrood elections.

Isles MP Alistair Carmichael said: “I am sad that Beatrice has decided to call it a day but I completely understand and respect her reasons.

“She has represented the isles through some of the most turbulent years we have seen in living memory and it is significant that she was the first woman to represent Shetland directly at the parliamentary level.

“She has been an exceptionally diligent and effective MSP, as anyone who has worked with her or sought her help will know.

“Even just in the past few months, wins for the isles in the Scottish budget demonstrate her effectiveness in fighting our corner.

“On a personal level I am proud to have worked with her as a colleague and as a friend over these years and I know that she will remain very firmly on the Shetland scene – just try to stop her.”

Ms Wishart’s Tory counterpart Jame Halcro Johnston said Ms Wishart has made a significant contribution to politics in the isles.

“I first met Beatrice during the by-election campaign in 2019 and it was clear that she was someone who was passionate about Shetland and understood the unique challenges our island communities face.

“I was delighted when she agreed to join and become the deputy convener of the new Islands cross party group I’d set up, bringing another experienced island voice to the table.

“As an islander myself from Orkney, I recognise the commitment she has made to public life. It is never without its challenges, especially when representing island communities like Shetland.

“I wish her all the very best for whatever Beatrice decides to do once she leaves Holyrood in 2026, but I’m sure she will continue to play an important role in her community”.

The comments come after Ms Wishart announced that she will not seek re-election at next year’s parliamentary elections.

She was first elected in a 2019 by-election which she won with 47.9 per cent of the vote. She won re-election in 2021 with 48.6 per cent of the vote.

The Shetland Liberal Democrats will now start the process of selecting a candidate for the forthcoming Scottish election.

“I have taken the difficult decision not to seek re-election for the Shetland constituency at the next Scottish Parliament election,” she said.

“After careful consideration, I think May 2026 is an appropriate time for me to step aside and let someone else carry the liberal torch for Shetland. 

“It has been an honour and a privilege to represent the people of Shetland and I shall always be grateful that I had the opportunity to do so. I would like to reassure you that during the remainder of the parliamentary term I will continue to work tirelessly for all constituents. 

“I would like to thank all of my staff, all of the activists who have worked so hard on my behalf and my colleagues in parliament, as well as the voters in Shetland who put their trust in me.

“I am so proud to have been the first female parliamentarian elected to represent Shetland and to follow in the footsteps of Jo Grimond, Jim Wallace, Alistair Carmichael and Tavish Scott as the voice of the islands in parliament.

“My team and I have worked hard to champion the issues that people have told me are most important to them like ferries, fixed links, fisheries and the energy industry.

“I am not naturally someone who blows their own trumpet, but I am also proud of the work that I have done as convener of the cross-party group on brain tumours. Vital research is being done in this area and I hope that by highlighting some of the successes, as well as the remaining challenges, it offers hope to people who live with brain tumours.

“While I am choosing to step down as MSP next year, I feel as if I still have plenty in the tank so I am sure I will find a new role to play in Shetland life before long.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “Beatrice has been a fantastic voice for Shetland and a wonderful colleague in the Scottish parliament.

“During her by-election campaign the SNP spent more money than they did on the entire European referendum campaign but they still could not stop her.

“She has fearlessly fought the islands’ corner and delivered for the community, not least the commitment to progress a new Gilbert Bain hospital which was included in our recent budget deal.

“The debate she led on the government’s hated highly protected marine areas was crucial in forcing SNP ministers to change course over plans that could have devastated Shetland’s fisheries, while her speeches on the issue of pregnancy loss have always been powerful and moving.

“Serving through the Covid crisis, she fought to make sure island interests were taken into account. As a member of the Rural Affairs and Islands committee she has championed the needs of island crofters and farmers, as well as campaigning for tunnels, ferry services and rural broadband.

“I will miss having her in our parliamentary party when she steps down next year and I wish her all the best for the future.”


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