Printer / print finisher with Studio Graphic Design

Job Type



Looking for a change of career or an apprenticeship?

We have vacancies for a machine printer, print finisher or an apprentice in our print and print finishing departments.

These jobs would suit a variety of applicants from a young person looking for an apprenticeship to someone with some machine operating experience looking for a change of career, or a fully qualified/time-served machine printer.

The functions of these departments range from paper handling and cutting through press operations including sheet-fed presses producing quality colour print on a 5-unit Komori press fitted with colour+ spectral colour management system, and the weekly production of The Shetland Times newspaper on a Goss web offset press. Finishing operations include folding and operation of a 20-station Horizon Stitchliner to produce finished wire-stitched booklet and brochure products.

Other work could include finishing and installation of large-format materials both on and off the premises and previous experience in this field would be advantageous.

Training would be tailored to the specific requirements of the job and previous experience and skills of the successful applicants. Enthusiasm, energy and an understanding of the need to meet customer expectations of quality and delivery times are the essential requirements. Good general health and fitness is required for some operations.

For an overview of our products take a look at

The company offers a remuneration package including 35 days holidays and a contributory pension scheme. 

To arrange an informal discussion contact Colin Grant, Chief Executive, at