Business & Administration Apprentice at DH Marine

Job Type



Business & Administration Apprentice

D H Marine is looking for a motivated individual to join our team, working alongside our office staff while progressing through a Modern Apprenticeship. This is a full-time position working towards an SVQ in Business and Administration at SCQF Level 6 which will be completed as an online e-portfolio. With the help and support of our team, you will apply the skills and knowledge gained from training in a wide variety of business activities. Apprentices are expected to perform their training and duties safely and to the best of their abilities while consistently adhering to company policies and procedures.

Work tasks include:

  • Reception duties, social media duties, business administration duties such as maintaining spreadsheets and databases for company records, invoice processing and customer account management.
  • Assisting senior members of the Commercial and Finance team in preparation for external certification audits.
  • Enhancing your competence in business administration by working towards completion of your apprenticeship.

If you wish to apply for this position, please send an email to requesting an application form.

The closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 25th April.