Various vacancies at Shetland Islands Council
We have a number of vacancies for various hours at locations throughout Shetland.
Jobs on offer this week include…
- Supervisory Assistant – Yell
- Learning Support Worker – Lerwick
- Clerical Assistant / Receptionist – Lerwick
- Assistant Cook – Lerwick
- Modern Apprentice Burial Services
- Practitioner – Early Learning & Childcare – Scalloway
- Support Worker (Play) – North Roe
- Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages – Brae
- Port Safety Officer – Sella Ness
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Our list of jobs is updated daily online. For information on these jobs and more or to sign up for Job Alert e-mails go to
If you don’t have access to the internet or have a disability which prevents you from applying online, please call 01595 744032.
Looking for a job? Apply online at
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer, and encourage Remote and Flexible Working.
For more information about living and working in Shetland visit