High as the Eiffel Tower – I don’t think so
The planned Viking Energy wind generators really would be whoppers if they were the height of the Eiffel Tower as your correspondent Kathy Greaves would have us believe.
They are to be far more slender as well as more aesthetically pleasing and considerably shorter than than the Eiffel tower at only 145 metres to the tip of the uppermost blade – just 10 metres higher than the London Eye.
Monsieur Eiffel’s iconic structure towers over us at 324 metres Kathy, not the 177 metres you would have us believe, plus a bit more if you allow for the TV transmitter and ariels plonked on the top.
The amazing thing is, these windmills are likely to earn far more in revenue for this community than the 127 Eiffel towers you mention ever could for Paris so, sorry Kathy, it probably isn’t a valid comparison. Bring ‘em on. We would be foolish to ignore the revenue opportunity these windmills bring, not to mention the reduction in our massive Shetland carbon footprint.
Leslie Lowes
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