Stand by the pledge
We believe the proposed Viking Energy windfarm to be far too big in size and scale for our small and beautiful island. The amount of damage done in preparing the land for this vast industrialisation would do more harm than good.
The gas terminal presently under construction could buy us the time to develop other forms of renewable energy fit for scale in Shetland. Scaremongers try to convince us that there are only two options here, the Viking Energy windfarm or nothing at all.
The people of Orkney are not in a state of panic because they do not have a huge windfarm on their horizon. Instead they are busy developing marine renewable energy in the Pentland Firth, with the backing of the islanders.
Allan Wishart is on record stating that “if the people of Shetland do not want a windfarm it will not happen”. We believe in democracy, and would accept the result of a referendum.
Obviously there could be no loaded questions. The options could only be either: yes to the proposed Viking Energy windfarm or no to the proposed Viking Energy windfarm.
If Viking Energy and the Windfarm Supporters Group are so confident that the majority of Shetlanders want the proposed windfarm, then they have nothing to fear.
On the other hand, if the majority of the people of Shetland vote against the windfarm then Mr Wishart must do the honourable thing and stand by his pledge.
Norman and Elizabeth Jamieson
34 West Baila,
Phil Smith
Well said !