Expect me to roll over? (Donnie Morrison)
Having just had the opportunity to study Jonathan Wills’ letter I now feel the need to apologise for all the grief I’ve apparently caused him, the Shetland Charitable Trust and the entire Shetland community.
I had no idea that by trying to protect my health, the value of my property and the wild unspoiled areas of Shetland would cause him and his cohorts Bobby Hunter and Drew Ratter so much upset.
The fact that my opposition to this project has cost me a four-figure sum appears to be of no consequence to him. How much personal expense has been incurred by all the windfarm proponents?
The fact that I have had absolutely no political representation at a local, Scottish or national level appears to be of no importance to him.
The fact that Dr Wills, Chris Bunyan et al now expect me to roll over and have my belly tickled like a “traeshin dug” defies belief.
Think on boys, think on.
Donnie Morrison
Johan Adamson
Sustainable would not have had to take it to the supreme court had there just been more public discussion. I think that fault lies at VE’s door. Because of their silence, its going to get even more acrimonious I think.
Tim Parkinson
Goldfinger approaches the helpless Bond, brandishing a large bowl-shaped metal pan.
” Do you exshpect me to WOK?”
” No Mr Bond…I expect you to FRY!”