Over the side is not over
I open this with a question. Of all of you good people who took part in the Voar Redd Up this year did you notice a new type of waste coving our shores?
I am referring to the black plastic spikes used by the mussel industry to split the ropes open. Is there a better way to split these ropes? Could these be recycled or attached with string? I thought “over the side was over”, but in the Quarff, Scalloway and Papa Redd Ups I was involved in, bits of string/rope/net and plastic spikes were the greatest polluter. Congratulations to everybody who took part in this great event.
Perhaps the bags and gloves should be funded by the fishing/mussel industry rather that Sullom Voe?
Luke Holt
Mid Setter,
Wester Quarff.
Mike Bennett
Lots of spikes last few years on Sandsound beach but very few this year. Well done to the “Sandsound Crew” for a good Redd Up.