Covid-19 patient transferred to Aberdeen

A patient who is believed to have coronavirus is being transferred from the Gilbert Bain hospital to intensive care in Aberdeen.

NHS Shetland said on Sunday afternoon that a patient was to to be transferred using military aircraft RAF Hercules to Aberdeen “to ensure the most appropriate care is provided for them”.

The local health board did not clarify whether the patient was a confirmed coronavirus case, but First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said at a press briefing on Covid-19 on Sunday afternoon that the Scottish government had to call on “military help” to transport a patient “from one of Scotland’s islands for treatment”.

NHS Shetland said they could not comment on the case due to the patient’s right to confidentiality, and thanked the RAF “for its support to the people of Shetland”.

Confirmed coronavirus cases in Shetland remained at 24 today (Sunday).


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  • TIna Ross

    • March 23rd, 2020 20:42

    Yes stop tourists coming here and cruise ships and so called powers that be! that should thinking about the people that live here before thinking about profit!!! most folk are acting responsible by NOT going out unless essential, and NOT gathering in groups, and STOP panic buying, for goodness sake

    • Natalie Jones

      • March 25th, 2020 0:46

      I absolutely agree with you!! We’ve had the same here in Wales, with people climbing Penyfan and Snowdon like its just a long bank holiday weekend

      • Ian Tinkler

        • March 25th, 2020 19:55

        ” absolutely agree with you!! We’ve had the same here in Wales, with people climbing Penyfan and Snowdon like its just a long bank holiday weekend. ”
        Unbelievable, Natalie Jones just try a tube train in London . Natalie Jones, have you ever been near Snowdonia or the Brecons? The people climbing will stay fit, they will survive, how about you?

  • Ian Tinkler

    • March 25th, 2020 18:40

    For anyone who wants a place to walk. Flawton Croft is safe large and open for all. just keep 20 meters (25 yards) apart and keep your hands washed and clean. Dogs on leads please as nesting birds are making homes. No need to pooper scoop dogs, the ground needs the phosphates, however, do pooper scoop children!!!! We could all go stir crazy if we do not exercise. just stay well apart and communicate by shouting!!! Flawton wildlife Croft. ZE2 9LZ Park outside the gate.

    • Ian Tinkler

      • March 26th, 2020 17:23

      Further to my walking at Flawton, anti-viral spray and wipes are now attached to gate, feel free to use. Please stay clear of Loch Setter if you have a dog with you. Whooper Swans are making a nest and are fiercely territorial and will attack dogs if provoked. Not good if a dog on a lead, mine have learnt to run!!! Just stay well apart and ignore my noisy hounds, they are all friendly but a bit noisy. There are no sheep but a couple of friendly Emus.

      • Scott Clarke

        • April 5th, 2020 13:16

        Emus? Really? I would’ve thought your environment would be a bit too cold for emus. I’ve just learned something new today.

        Scott Clarke,

  • Ian Tinkler

    • March 25th, 2020 20:16

    For anyone with concerns, my Facebook site is open. It always has been, nothing to hide at all. I have never blocked a single soul.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • March 28th, 2020 14:24

    Further to some rather silly media remarks, I reiterate my invitation for all who wish to dog walk and exercise at Flawton Croft. However, please ensure you stay distant from other walkers. Croft and hills around are over 6000 square kilometres so 20 meters apart plus is simple. Although no sheep at Flawton many breeding birds are present so please keep dogs on leads.
    I hope all will follow Governement guidelines, I enclose the relevant references.

    • Ian Tinkler

      • March 28th, 2020 14:25

      Sorry meters not Kilometers!!!

      • Peter Hamilton

        • March 28th, 2020 21:20

        All is forgiven. Those who have blocked Ian from their Facebook accounts don’t count because he is one of the heroes of the NHS we clap off to war. As we did in 1914. White feather anyone? If only our real heroes were properly protected. But do not stop to question why.

    • Jane Leask

      • April 3rd, 2020 14:14

      As a neighbour of Mr T I ask that you stay local to take your exercise. Thank you

  • Haydn Gear

    • March 29th, 2020 18:52

    Metres= British spelling . Meters= American spelling. A meter( British) is a device for measuring something.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • March 30th, 2020 9:52

    Sorry Haydn, US word processor and dyslexia. Give my regards to all in the Brecons.
    Peter, never worry, I am
    deemed too old to risk and too precious a fossil to lose. It is good to see your humour and charm has not altered. Just as malign and bitter as always.

    • Jane Leask

      • April 4th, 2020 16:30

      I have not had a response from my last response to Mr Tinkler’s comments. Please could you provide me with an explanation as to why his comments would be published on line but not my response. Thank you

      • Jane Keask

        • April 4th, 2020 17:07

        My comment referred to Mr Tinkler’s invite to his Croft. I said as his neighbour I would politely ask you stay home, stay local for exercise and that you do not do essential travel.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • April 4th, 2020 18:44

    We are in a very fluid situation. It is my profound belief getting safely into the wild places away from everyone is useful. I do not mean driving from Sumburgh to Unst, but from Bixter to Flawton. However, stay away from people, 2 meters is not enough. At Flawton you could fit 1000 people 20 meters apart. HOWEVER, I DO NO WANT 1000 PEOPLE, we have fabulous other wild places, 100 Folk would be good. Just kiss me when this is all over.

    • Jane Leask

      • April 6th, 2020 13:17

      Please, please, please do not travel unnecessarily. If you can walk to his Croft fine but if you have to get in a car to get here please don’t. 100 people what are you saying!! Please, please stop this madness Ian Tinkler. As I have said to you already every time you post this rubbish I will continue to call you out.

    • Kay Wheatcroft

      • April 6th, 2020 15:08

      And if cars break down who will rescue them? You can’t get 2 metres away from the driver of a rescue vehicle. It is not fair to ask someone to put themselves at risk.

      • Ian Tinkler

        • April 7th, 2020 11:04

        Kay, Leave your car off the road and delay recovery for 72 hours. The virus will then be dead. Walk home, the police guidelines are ten-minute drive only (locally). You will get your exercise at the same time. If you can not manage that walk pointless leaving the house for exercise at all.

      • Kay Wheatcroft

        • April 7th, 2020 14:12

        In other words, Mr T, you might as well walk from home in the first place which is all your sensible and long-suffering neighbour is asking. Even in the middle of town I imagine the air is fresher than ever with so little traffic on tarmac or water.

      • Ian Tinkler

        • April 7th, 2020 16:24

        My long-suffering neighbour is called Robert and his house is 200 meters from mine. The next nearest is about a mile by road, about 500 meters as the crow flies over the hill. We are well spread out here social distancing is not hard.

      • Jane Leask

        • April 7th, 2020 20:17

        Avoid crowded spaces!! We live in Shetland for a start. Not exactly crowded. Also you mention common sense. Anyone who drives miles to exercise has as little judgement or common sense as you.

        Again I request you do not drive to take your exercise at this time.

    • Ian Tinkler

      • April 7th, 2020 19:48

      Kay, my long-suffering neighbour a mile away by road. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

  • Jane Leask

    • April 4th, 2020 18:57

    Please, please listen to the NHS, Government, police, community. Mr Tinkler’s view is his own rather than from any advice or reality. I have had to try to inform him however he can only see his own view so I have to ask those reading this to take all the advice available.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • April 5th, 2020 7:46

    My Croft is open to all but clearly Government guidelines on daily exercise should be followed. “Social Distancing” being the key and those whom are “local” at this time.

  • Peter Hamilton

    • April 5th, 2020 14:50

    Ian was being public spirited Jane. And his offer that we should feel welcome on his land to communicate by shouting, albeit from a distance of 20 yards, will give folk something to look forward to once restrictions are lifted !

  • Jim Ivens

    • April 6th, 2020 10:27

    I would like to appeal, no, beg you all to show a little mercy. I am in the ‘Shield group’ as designated by the NHS. The Shield group are made up of those who are unlikely to survive catching Covid 19 due to underlying conditions. My wife and I must remain in total isolation for the duration of the emergency and that is why I am making this appeal. Last night I stayed up past midnight AGAIN in an attempt to get a delivery slot from Tescos. Once again the site was flooded and by the time my turn in the queue came up there were no slots left. PLEASE think of those worse off than you are. If you don’t NEED your shopping delivered please leave the slots for those who do.

    • ali Inkster

      • April 6th, 2020 14:36

      There are other shops that deliver and prioritise vulnerable customers. Maybe you should contact one of them.

  • Ian Tinkler

    • April 6th, 2020 17:38

    Home Office guidance and Police guidance ( National Police Chiefs’ Council) a 10-minute drive is perfectly reasonable to avoid crowded places.
    Now we are already seeing aggressive and unpleasant behaviour due to the stress of LockDown. Sadly we may have six months to go, we must establish open places for exercise. Now that is factual at the time of my opening up Flawton. As I understand no one in authority has reversed those guidelines.
    “The new guidance, released on Tuesday, states: “Use your judgement and common sense; for example, people will want to exercise locally and may need to travel to do so, we don’t want the public sanctioned for travelling a reasonable distance to exercise.” These are the actual words of guidance to the police.

  • Fergus murray

    • April 6th, 2020 21:13

    If you are a person identified by the Scottish Government in need of shielding which is done through a letter sent by the Government the local authority in your area should be able to arrange a food parcel to be delivered to your door. I used to live in Shetland but now live in Argyll and Bute and that is what we are doing. Sorry I do not know local arrangements but you should call the SIC and explain your situation asap. I wish you and your family all the best. Fergus


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