Reports of bogus workmen operating in region and ‘acting suspiciously’

Police have received reports of “bogus workmen” operating in the region.
Highlands and Islands Police issued a warning about people “acting suspiciously” around industrial and farm premises, looking in gardens and knocking on doors, reportedly “looking for business”.
The force reminded people to lock their properties, even when at home and, if possible, use a door chain.
Even if the visitor has a pre-arranged appointment, people should ask to check their identity cards.
“Bogus callers may be smartly dressed and claim to be from the council, police, or a utility company,” police said.
“They can also turn up as builders, gardeners, or other trades and try to trick you into paying for unnecessary work.
“Don’t agree to have work done by someone who is just passing by or ‘cold calling’ you.”
Call police on 101 if you have been visited by a bogus caller or 999 in an emergency.
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