Dementia service secure thanks to National Lottery
A dementia service can run for another three years as the Shetland Befriending Scheme has been awarded more than £111,000 in funding from the National Lottery.
Money raised through playing the National Lottery has been given to the Shetland Befriending 60-plus Dementia Service to help reduce isolation, increase independence and promote a positive mental health.
The National Lottery Community Fund awards around £600 million each year to groups across the United Kingdom to help benefit their communities.
Project co-ordinator of the Shetland Befriending Scheme, Mairi Jamieson said she was “delighted” to secure funding for the service to continue for another three years.
Ms Jamieson said: “This Service has been in place for over 7 years and is proving to be a benefit to the Shetland community and it’s great to see the difference it makes to an individual and their families – This makes it all worthwhile.”
To find out more information about the service or if they would like more information about volunteering please telephone Ian Edwards 16+ Development Worker on 01595 743964 or e-mail: [email protected].