Photographer’s work documenting demolition of old Anderson High School to feature in exhibition

An exhibition of photography documenting the demolition of the former Anderson High School is set to open next month.
Shetland Arts said photographer Dave Donaldson’s work would go on show at Twageos Road and Mareel’s Upper Cafe Bar from 1st May.
The photographs at Twageos Road will focus on the demolition and infrastructure, while the portrait series in Mareel will celebrate the people who came to Shetland with Central Demolition to carry out the work.
Creative project programmer Jane Matthews said: “These striking black and white photographs document a valuable element of Shetland’s history and provide a wonderful insight into the work and the people involved in clearing the Knab site.
“As a place that holds so many memories for so many people we’re delighted to have had the opportunity to commission this archive of images.”
Titled Dispecta est Thule the exhibition takes its name from the Anderson High School motto: “Thule is seen”, referencing the Greek and Roman name for the most northerly known land in the Atlantic.
The photos were taken during the demolition of the old school buildings as part of the Knab redevelopment.
The SIC and Shetland Arts commissioned Donaldson to document the demolition, and chart the latest stage of buildings’ evolving history.
Lerwick Community Council has also supported the project.
The Twageos exhibition will run until 1st June while the photos in Mareel will be able to view until November.
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