Ferry worker steps in to maintain services on Bluemull Sound

A ferry worker has stepped in to save services after the threat of cancellation which would have left Unst and Fetlar cut-off for most of a day.

The SIC announced today (Monday) that the Bluemull Sound service will operate almost as normal on Sunday – thanks to the staff member who made themselves available.

Ferry passengers voiced frustration last week after the council announced yet more disruption to the Bluemull Sound service, due to staff sickness and leave.

It would have meant no service between 6.10am and 5.40pm on Sunday.

Now, however the first sailing on Sunday will depart from Gutcher at 9.30am and operate to a normal timetable thereafter.

Ferries staff are contacting anyone who had their booking cancelled, to reinstate bookings where possible. 

Bookings which have not yet been cancelled remain valid, but passengers are advised to contact the booking office on 01595 745804 to check.


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