WATCH: Resident highlights extent of windfarm noise 

Fears have been raised over the noise coming from Viking Energy Windfarm’s turbines – with some residents vowing to leave their homes.

Vincent Tonner who has lived in North Nesting for the last 12 years is “probably as close” as you can get to the windfarm.

He has contended with the construction phase of the windfarm, but plans to move out of his home as a result of the noise pollution.

“We’re going to move, we’ve decided we can’t put up with it – and we’ve put up with a lot with the construction of it,” he said.

Marvin Hutchison, who was born, raised and currently lives in Voe also expressed plans to move due to the noise. 

Mandy Sutherland who has lived in Catfirth for the “brucks of 30 years” shared a video of the turbines nearby her horses where the turbines can be heard in the background.

Though she said the video was not as loud as it sounded in real life, the footage sparked concern for both humans and animals living in the area. 

SSE urged those concerned about noise from the windfarm to get in touch.

“We operate robust control measures to ensure all wind turbines at our sites operate to industry standards and in compliance with threshold conditions as determined by planning conditions,” the energy giant said in a statement.

“As a responsible neighbour, we would encourage anyone with concerns about noise interference to contact us directly so we can undertake a rigorous assessment against planning conditions.”

Read the full story in this week’s Shetland Times


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