SIC approves school mothball procedures

Councillors approved proposals to allow schools in the North Mainland to be mothballed if the rolls fall below 20 per cent despite opposition from a West Side councillor.

A green light was also given for schools in Fetlar, Fair Isle, Foula, Papa Stour and Skerries to be mothballed if register numbers fell, or where due to fall, to zero.

The SIC policy and resources committee was faced with the decision to rubber stamp a decision made by the education and families committee to go ahead with a mothballing strategy. 

However, West Side councillor Liz Peterson felt this would have a “detrimental effect” on the community.

Residents should be consulted with and officials asked to “exhaust all avenues” to find alternatives to mothballing. 

Education and families chairman Davie Sandison defended the recommendations put to the committee. 

There was a “key” point which he wanted to make clear to members.

“There’s a difference between a mothballing and a closure of a school,” he told members. 

Ms Peterson proposed an amendment to the motion, which asked for community councils to be consulted ahead of a mothballing of a mothballing of a school. Her amendment also asked for council officials to find alternatives to mothballing. 

However, the original motion passed by seven votes to three.


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  • Ali Inkster

    • September 16th, 2024 21:54

    Strange that in the pre oil era Shetland could afford to have schools in each community.
    But now we can’t afford to keep even half that number of schools open.
    All this has led to lower educational outcomes for wir bairns.
    Let’s look at all the places we are spending money now that we weren’t spending money on pre oil. Then we can put them into a scale with education in the other side and see what we place most value in.
    £millions squandered while education budgets are cut is not the actions of a caring progressive authority.


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