Sheriff praises witnesses who apprehended dangerous drunk driver after he sped through town at ‘grossly excessive’ speeds

A sheriff has praised members of the public who apprehended a drunk driver after he sped through Lerwick.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank said he had “absolute respect” for the witnesses who prevented Daniel Johnson from getting back behind the wheel.

Lerwick Sheriff Court heard on Wednesday how Johnson had driven at “grossly excessive” speeds through the town on 11th April.

The 20-year-old, from Sullom, admitted dangerous driving, drink driving and driving while disqualified when he appeared before the court.

Sheriff Cruickshank said he was “grossly disturbed” by Johnson’s actions.

Procurator fiscal Duncan MacKenzie said witnesses in a car travelling along North Lochside at around 11.45pm heard Johnson’s vehicle “screeching through the town”.

They then saw him approaching the roundabout at “grossly excessive speeds” before exiting in the opposite carriageway.

Mr MacKenzie said the witnesses “deeply alarmed” by what they saw and immediately contacted the police who made efforts to trace the car.

Witnesses saw the car continue into Esplanade, still driving at speed, before pulling up outside the Thule Bar.

The court heard Johnson and other occupants left the car and were challenged by the witnesses.

“there was a heated exchange and the witnesses backed off,” the fiscal said.

Johnson entered the bar while the witnesses waited outside for police to arrive.

When the accused came back outside and returned to his vehicle, the witnesses decided to act as they could smell alcohol on his breath.

They told him he could not leave and police had been contacted.

Johnson responded by “aggressively shouting and swearing at them”, the court heard.

He attempted to punch one of the witnesses, Mr MacKEnzie said, but was restrained on the ground until the police arrived a short time later.

When officers arrived, Johnson attempted to flee but only got a short distance before he fell and injured himself.

He failed a roadside screening test and was taken to hospital for his injuries before attending Lerwick Police Station.

A blood sample was obtained at around 1.40am – two hours after he had been driving – and revealed he was still more than twice the limit.

Defence agent Tommy Allan said he would be reserving his remarks until the sentencing hearing.

However he acknowledged his client was in “considerable trouble”.

Sheriff Cruickshank adjourned the hearing for the preparation of reports and disqualified him from holding or obtaining a licence in the meantime.

He warned Johnson that “all sentencing options will be considered” when he returns to the court on 23rd October. 


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