Calls made for ‘serial offenders’ who repeatedly cancel NorthLink bookings to ‘pay a premium’

Serial offenders who cancel NorthLink cabin bookings at short notice should be made to pay, a meeting heard.

Lerwick North and Bressay councillor Stephen Leask said the current system was “ludicrous”.

Mr Leask said passengers often booked cabins as a backup in case their flight was cancelled and this hindered other people’s ability to travel.

Discussing the NorthLink capacity constraints at last night’s Lerwick Community Council meeting he said “we have all been guilty of it”.

Mr Leask suggested NorthLink should adopt a similar system to Loganair and make people pay a “higher premium” if they cancel their bookings.”

I cant understand for the life me why NorthLink have never done that,” he said.

The SIC’s depute leader Gary Robinson said NorthLink did not want to impose cancelation fees as it would be unfair for people who have to cancel for “bona fide” reasons.

However, he suggested NorthLink could “get tougher” on “serial offenders”.

“Maybe it should be two or three strikes and you are out if you are playing that game,” he said.

“Because I do think it’s unfair.”

Chairman Jim Anderson suggested the council ask NorthLink to provide figures on how many cancellations were made at short notice it.

He said the current system meant people struggled to get a cabin or a car on the same crossing.

Community councillor Stuart Hay said he was against charges for cancellations.

“I wouldn’t want to see this leading to an airline style activity that would do us all worse,” he said.


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