New benefit for pensioners

Shetland is one of five local authority areas where a new government benefit is being piloted.

The Pension Age Disability Payment is aimed at people of state pension age, and opens from today (Monday).

It is the 15th benefit administered by Social Security Scotland, and will benefit people who have a long-term health condition that mean they need help looking after themselves or supervision to stay safe.

The benefit is also designed to help those who are terminally ill.

 It is being rolled out  across the Highlands, Orkney, Aberdeen City and Argyll and Bute, as well as Shetland.

The payment will be introduced in more areas from next March.

Pension Age Disability Payment is worth between £290 and £434 a month, depending on the needs of the person who gets it, and is not means-tested.

The new benefit is replacing Attendance Allowance in Scotland, which is delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

People already getting Attendance Allowance do not need to apply for Pension Age Disability Payment as their award will automatically be moved to Social Security Scotland, starting early 2025. 

There is a separate fast-track application process for people who are terminally ill and eligible people will be entitled to the higher rate of payment regardless of how long they have had a terminal illness. 

 Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “As people continue to face a cost of living crisis it is more important than ever that older disabled people across Scotland get all the financial support they are entitled to. 

“Today we are launching Pension Age Disability Payment, our 15th benefit, in five locations before it is rolled out across Scotland later next year.  

“This new benefit has been developed by listening to older disabled people and we have made many changes, including making it easier for them to nominate someone to support them in their engagement with Social Security Scotland, something they told us was important to them. 

“I would encourage anyone who thinks they are eligible for Pension Age Disability Payment to apply. It’s important they get the money they need to help them look after themselves, stay safe and get support to live with the dignity and respect that we all deserve as we get older.”  


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