The Swan set to get a new mast

The Swan will be fitted with a new main mast in the coming weeks, thanks to a new partnership.

Serco NorthLink and The Swan Trust have joined forces to rejuvenate the former herring drifter.

The current mast was fitted during the restoration of the vessel between 1990 and 1996 and is now 30 years old, so needs to be replaced.

Fitting a new mast to a traditional boat of this size is a major operation and the charity would not be able to do this without the financial support of Serco, who operate the NorthLink Ferries services between Shetland, Orkney and Aberdeen.

Swan Trust chairwoman, Mary Irvine thanked the ferry operator for its support to keep the historic vessel afloat.

“This will ensure many more years of safe and exciting sailing adventures on board for all ages and keep Shetland’s flagship vessel and maritime heritage prominent in the local, national and international sailing scene,” Ms Irvine said.

Swan will be heading to Ullapool next week to have the existing mast removed and laid on the quayside next to the new one to ensure an exact fit, before the new mast is installed and fully rigged for the journey home.


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