Posts by John Robertson:
Pensions office to remain open after successful islands campaign
A campaign from the islands has saved the Shetland office of the Pensions Service from being closed down by UK government cuts. The reprieve was
READ FULL STORYCouncil sheds 87 posts by not filling vacancies
Shetland Islands Council has axed 87 jobs since January simply by not filling vacant posts which are considered unnecessary.
READ FULL STORYSIC appoints new director of infrastructure services
Shetland Islands Council has announced that its new director of infrastructure services is Phil Crossland who worked at Stoke-on-Trent City Council as transportation and planning
READ FULL STORYCall for end to special islands allowance paid to staff in Shetland’s trusts
A call has been made for Shetland Charitable Trust to stop paying a special islands allowance to its staff and those of bodies it funds,
READ FULL STORYChief executive mounts robust defence of £300,000 spent by council on consultants
Almost £300,000 has been spent so far on hiring consultants to advise Shetland Islands Council how to cut costs and improve its performance. The 15
READ FULL STORYSIC will hear Sella Ness concerns
A top council manager is to listen to marine staff at Sella Ness today to hear concerns about the perceived lapse in safety standards for
READ FULL STORYFifth album from isles songstress
There are those in the arts and media who exploit their Shetland connections, whether deep-rooted or recently acquired, but it could not be said of
READ FULL STORYRecreational drug overdoses are relatively few
Only one person a month was taken to hospital in Shetland after overdosing on recreational drugs last year, despite a well-established heroin scene in the
READ FULL STORYSafety at port of Sullom Voe ‘severely compromised’, warns ex-marine director
Council cutbacks in port operations at Sullom Voe are being blamed for eroding standards and making Shetland more vulnerable to an oil tanker disaster.
READ FULL STORYBlown sand is blocking entrance to popular beach at Scousburgh
A Dunrossness fisherman has called on the authorities to act now to dig away wind-blown sand blocking access to the popular Scousburgh Sand and clogging
READ FULL STORYSuspected hacker arrested by London police
A teenager was arrested in Shetland in a swoop by the Metropolitan Police on Wednesday who flew him to London for questioning about international computer-hacking.
READ FULL STORYBillionaire opens hotel-style workers’ camp at Sella Ness
The accommodation for workers who will build Total’s gas terminal is more like a hotel than a camp – a far cry from the wooden
READ FULL STORYScrap dealer banned after not disclosing convictions
A scrap metal dealer has been refused a licence to trade in Shetland after police discovered he had criminal convictions that he had failed to
READ FULL STORYFriendly otter appears at Scalloway market
This friendly otter attracted a small crowd of admirers this morning when he paid a visit to the Scalloway fish market. Somebody threw him a
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