Posts by John Robertson:
Harsh business climate forces Shetland workboat company under
The ambitious Shetland workboat company Dunberry Marine has been sunk by serious financial problems, ending weeks of speculation about its future.
READ FULL STORYContractors to be required to offer quality for SIC jobs
Shetland Islands Council does not require contractors to offer a quality job when they tender for major projects, it has emerged.
READ FULL STORYGas piped from Sullom Voe one of two options for new Rova Head power station
The new Lerwick power station being proposed for Rova Head could run mainly on gas supplied from Sullom Voe through an underground pipeline.
READ FULL STORYRatter and Wills to lead Shetland Charitable Trust
Former Viking Energy director Drew Ratter has been elected as the new chairman of Shetland Charitable Trust, seeing off his old friend Jonathan Wills in
READ FULL STORYNew policy for parents and young children using isles swimming pools agreed
The policy for young children using Shetland’s main swimming pools has been revised to make it safer but still acceptable to families with youngsters under
READ FULL STORYScientists produce firm evidence of warmer seas around Shetland
The sea around Shetland has warmed to such a degree that it is now at a temperature once considered typical for the south of England.
READ FULL STORYAmbitious plans for Dales Voe base receive £10m funding boost from Scottish government
Plans to turn the Dales Voe base into the UK’s biggest and most modern oil rig decommissioning yard have received a £10 million funding boost
READ FULL STORYSalmon farming restrictions lifted as isles are declared officially ISA-free
Two giant Norwegian salmon companies which own all the salmon farms south-west of the Mainland are to be freed of restrictions relating to the outbreak
READ FULL STORYSRT to rethink tough new pool rules
Strict new rules to protect young children in Shetland’s eight main swimming pools have been withdrawn following concerns among parents and staff.
READ FULL STORYTrustees to stage last-gasp meeting on windfarm funding
Shetland Charitable Trust is set to hold a snap meeting to discuss the £6.3 million Viking windfarm investment after a group of trustees used their
READ FULL STORYFirst gas from Total field off Unst
First gas has been produced from Total’s new Islay field about 87 miles east of Unst. The Northern North Sea field is expected to yield
READ FULL STORYScottish and Southern Energy: we’ll go on without you
Scottish and Southern Energy has reaffirmed its intention to build the Viking windfarm regardless of whether the Shetland community continues as its partner.
READ FULL STORYWindfarm funding meeting collapses after intervention by protester
A crucial meeting of Shetland Charitable Trust to agree the next £6.3 million funding for Viking windfarm descended into farce today when six trustees walked
READ FULL STORYTrust facing momentous decision on further Viking investment
The Shetland community’s stake in the Viking Energy windfarm could be diluted if Shetland Charitable Trust fails on Monday to agree its £6.3 million share
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