What’s On

Please note that changes and/or cancellations to this list can occur which are not notified to us so please check with organisers if unsure.

Some useful numbers: Islesburgh Community Centre – 01595 745100; Shetland Amenity Trust (SAT) – 01595 694688; Shetland Arts – 01595 743843; Shetland Arts Box Office – 01595 745500 (www.shetlandarts.org); Shetland Library – 01595 743868; Shetland Museum & Archives – 01595 695057.

Some useful hall links: Aith Hall/Rankin Lounge – Bigton Hall – Brae Hall – Carnegie Hall – Cunningsburgh HallMossbank Hall – North Ness Hall – North Roe & Lochend Hall – Ollaberry Hall – Quarff HallSandness Hall – Sound Hall – South Nesting Hall – St Magnus Church Hall – Staney Hill Hall – Symbister HallTrondra Hall – Vidlin Hall – Voe Hall – Walls Hall


19th: Alzheimer Scotland – Grief Group meets11.45am-1pm; TLC Talks Carers Group meets 1-2.30pm; DRC drop-in 2.30-3.30pm, all at Dementia Resource Centre, 66 Burgh Road

19th: RNID – Drop-in Session offering hearing aid maintenance, hearing checks and information on hearing loss etc at Islesburgh Community Centre, 10.30am-12noon

20th: Alzheimer Scotland – Shanty Sing Along with soup, teas etc in Staney Hill Hall, 1.30-3.30pm

20th: Live Music with The Bashies + Oot o’ Tune at Lerwick Legion

20th: Live Music with The Plonkys + 8 Ball Jacuzzi at Sound Hall

20th: Live Music with The Revellers + Essykert at Scalloway Legion

20th: Live Music with Marackled at Trench Bar

21st: Live Music with The Loose Ends + Filskit + George Spence at the Thule (1-6pm)

21st: North Roe & Lochend Hall – Christmas Party

21st: Live Music with Joking Aside + Distinctly Mediocre + Absolute Slester at Hamnavoe Hall

21st: Live Music with Rack n Ruin at Lerwick Legion

21st: Music Night at Walls Regatta Club

21st: Live Music with Vagabond + Juice Box at Trench Bar

22nd:Lunna Kirk – Candlelit Christmas Carol Service at 3pm

22nd: St Magnus Episcopal Church – Service of Nine Lessons with Carols, with St Magnus Choir, 3.30pm

22nd: Ebenezer Hall – Candlelight Carol Service at 6pm

22nd: Mareel/Ragged Wood – ‘Yule Gadderie’ Concert with Kevin Henderson, Amy Laurenson, Kansa, Megan & Lauren, George Spence & Liam Slater

24th: Dunrossness Baptist Church – Community Carol Service, 7.30pm

24th: Lerwick Congregational Church – Carol Service at 8pm

24th: St Margaret’s Catholic Church – Carols at 11pm, followed by Midnight Mass

24th: Lerwick Methodist Church – Carol Service at 11.30pm

24th: Cunningsburgh UF Church – Watch Night Service at 11.30pm

24th: Church of Scotland – Watchnight Services at Ollaberry & Sandwick St Magnus at 11.15pm; Aith, St Columba’s Lerwick & Whalsay at 11.30pm

27th: Live Music with The Dead Pans in Gulberwick Hall

27th: Live Music with Ten Tonne Dozer + Essykert + Brundlehorse at Trench Bar

27th: Music with Electric Soup at Scalloway Legion

28th: Young Musicians Showcase at Mareel

28th: Live Music with Joking Aside + No Half + 8 Ball Jacuzzi + Fully Licensed at the Kiln Bar (5-10pm)

29th: Live Music with Rack n Ruin at Voe Hall

30th: Northmavine Up-Helly-A’ Association – General Meeting in Hillswick Galley Shed at 7.30pm

31st: Live Music with the Cullivoe Band at Ness Boating Club

31st: Shetland Arts – Hogmanay events at Mareel: Gemma Donald & Shetland Swing, 7.30pm and Bells in the Bar with DJ Lyall & DJ Yetti at 10pm


10th: Scalloway Fire Festival

13th: Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Club – Local Club Afternoon in Lerwick British Legion, 2-5pm

23rd: Shetland Maritime Heritage Society – Second Winter Talk: details tbc

27th: Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Club – Pre Up-Helly-A’ Night in Lerwick British Legion, 7.30-10.30pm

28th: Lerwick Up-Helly-A’ + Lerwick Junior Up-Helly-A’

30th: RNID – Drop-in Session offering hearing aid maintenance, hearing checks and information on hearing loss etc at Nordalea Care Home, Unst, 2-3.30pm


7th: Nesting & Girlsta Up-Helly-A’

13th: Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Club – Local Club Night in Lerwick British Legion, 7.30-10.30pm

14th: Uyeasound Up-Helly-A’

21st: Northmavine Up-Helly-A’

22nd: Norwick Up-Helly-A’

27th: Shetland Maritime Heritage Society – Illustrated Talk: ‘To the End of the Days of Sail: The Mariners of Shetland’ by J Laughton Johnston in Islesburgh Community Centre at 7pm

28th: Cullivoe Up-Helly-A’

MARCH 2025

7th: Bressay Up-Helly-A’

9th: Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Club – Local Club Afternoon in Lerwick British Legion, 2-5pm

14th: South Mainland Up-Helly-A’

21st: Delting Up-Helly-A’

27th: Shetland Maritime Heritage Society – Talk: ‘Trimming da Sixareen’ by Charlie Simpson, in Islesburgh Community Centre at 7pm

27th: Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Club – Club Night with visiting guests John Burns Trio + Tune Competition Results in Lerwick British Legion, 7.30-10.30pm


(some events/attractions only operate seasonally; check locally for details)


Mon (fortnightly): Aith Hall – 500 from 7.30pm

Mon (fortnightly term time): North Roe & Lochend Hall – Ability Shetland Youth Club meets 6-7.30pm

Mon (Sep-May): Lerwick Bridge Club meet in Islesburgh Community Centre, 7pm

Mon: Shetland Community Choir meet in Islesburgh Community Centre at 7pm

Mon & Fri: Living Well Hub – Drop-in Sessions at Brae Youth Centre, 10am-2pm on Mon; 10am-4pm on Fri

Mon: Rebel Fitness Classes in Sandwick Social Club: Senior Circuits 10.30-11.30am

Mon: Rebel Fitness Classes in Gilbertson Park Games Hall: Hiitstep & Intense Focus, 5.45-6.30pm

Mon: ‘Move It or Lose It’ exercise classes for over 60s in Sound Hall, 6-7pm

Tue: Cuppas@Quoys – Community Café in Lerwick Baptist Church, 10am-12noon (Dementia Inclusive Activity)

Tue: Walk Da Rock ‘Health Walks’ in Scalloway at 10am and in Lerwick 2pm

Tue (term time): Brae Community Library open 4-6pm

Tue: Jazzercise class in South Nesting Hall, 6.15pm

Tue: Rebel Fitness Classes in Sandwick Social Club: Rebel Circuits, 5.45-6.45pm

Tue (fortnightly): Traditional Music Sessions at Asta Golf Club from 7pm

Tue: Brae Hall – Carpet Bowls, 7.30pm

Tue: Northmavine Fiddle & Accordion Club meet in Hillswick Hall, 8pm

Weds (weekly): Open Access at Toogs Artist Workshop, Burra, 2-5pm (www.gaada.org/booking)

Wed (weekly, term time): ‘Bounce, Stay & Play’ in Sandveien Neighbourhood Centre, 1.30-3pm, run by New Life Church

Wed (exc. 1st Wed of month): Rebel Fitness Classes in Lerwick Baptist Church: Hiitblast & Intense Focus 5.30-6.15pm and ASN Sensory Sessions, 6.30-7.30pm

Wed (first Wed of month): The Well – worship experience for later life at Lerwick Methodist Church, 2-3pm (Dementia Inclusive Activity)

Wed (second Wed of month): Voe Hall – Voe Social Group meets 10am-12noon

Wed: Living Well Hub – Drop-in Sessions at Scalloway Youth & Community Centre, 9am-1pm & at Speldiburn Café, Bressay, 2-4pm

Wed: Jazzercise in Lerwick Masonic Hall, 6pm

Wed: Shetland Fiddlers Society meet in Islesburgh Community Centre, 7-9pm

Wed: Traditional Music Sessions in the Lounge Bar, Lerwick from 8pm

Thu: Walls Hall – Toddlers, 9.30-11.30am

Thu: Walk Da Rock ‘Health Walks’ in Westsandwick, Yell at 12noon and South Mainland at 2pm

Thu: Reminiscence Sessions with Cuppa & Chat at Hoswick Visitor Centre, 2.30-4pm (Dementia Inclusive Activity)(check details with centre on 01950 431406)

Thu: Rebel Fitness Classes in Sandwick Social Club: Soulsa® + Tone 5.45-6.55pm

Thu: Jazzercise in Walls Hall, 6.30pm

Thu: Traditional Music Session in the Marlex

Fri: Rebel Fitness Classes in Lerwick Baptist Church: Rebel Babies 10-10.45am & Senior Aerobics 11am-12noon

Fri: Friday Friends social event with activities, knitting, soup etc, at Hymhus, Bigton, 12-2pm (Dementia Inclusive Activity)

Fri: Shetland Library – ‘Shetland Memories’ event in the Library Activities Room, 3-4pm

Fri: Rebel Fitness Classes in Gilbertson Park Games Hall: Totally Shredded 5.30-6.15pm

Sat: Rebel Fitness Classes in Gilbertson Park Games Hall: Weekend Workout 9.30-10.30am

Sat: Jazzercise in Quarff Hall at 10am

Sat: South Mainland Dance Club meet in Carnegie Hall, Sandwick, 7.15pm-9.15pm

various: Paths for All Health Walks (Dementia Inclusive Activity) contact 01595 807494

Living Lerwick events (www.livinglerwick.co.uk)

Shetland Gallery at Sellafirth, Yell (www.shetlandgallery.com)

Vaila Fine Art  Gallery (www.vailafineart.co.uk)

Bonhoga Gallery at Weisdale Mill (www.shetlandarts.org.uk) 

Films and events at Mareel (www.tickets.shetlandarts.org/Sales) 

Shetland Craft Trail (www.shetlandartsandcrafts.co.uk/crafttrail.html) 

Shetland Reel Distillery, Unst (www.shetlandreel.com)

Speldiburn Café / Good as New Shop /Art Gallery (www.bressay.org)

Hoswick Visitor Centre, Sandwick (www.facebook.com/HoswickVisitorCentre)

Sumburgh Head Visitor Centre (www.shetlandamenity.org/visit-sumburgh-head)


Living Lerwick events (www.livinglerwick.co.uk)

Burra History Group, Easthouse Croft, Papil (www.facebook.com/Burra-History-Group-238479633663189)

Shetland Museum & Archives (www.shetland-museum.org.uk) 

Shetland Textile Working Museum at Bod of Gremista (www.shetlandtextilemuseum.com) 

The Cabin Museum, Vidlin (www.facebook.com/TheCabinMuseum)

Whalsay Heritage Centre (www.whalsayheritage.co.uk) 

Bressay Heritage Centre open (www.bressay-history-group.org)

Cunningsburgh History Group (www.facebook.com/cunningsburghhistorygroup)

Quendale Water Mill (www.quendalemill.co.uk) 

Tangwick Haa Museum, Northmavine (www.tangwickhaa.org.uk) 

Unst Heritage Centre (www.unstheritage.com)  

Unst Boat Haven (www.unstheritage.com) 

Scalloway Museum (www.scallowaymuseum.org) 

Old Haa, Burravoe, Yell (www.oldhaa.com)

Crofthouse Museum, Dunrossness (www.shetland-museum.org.uk)

Fetlar Interpretive Centre (www.fetlar.com)

Hoswick Visitor Centre, Sandwick (www.facebook.com/HoswickVisitorCentre)

Up-Helly-A’ Exhibition, Galley Shed, St Sunniva Street

Cullivoe Up-Helly-A’ Exhibition, Cullivoe Galley Shed, Yell (www.facebook.com/cullivoeuphellyaa)


Sailing Trips on Dim Riv longship from Victoria Pier (www.dimriv.com)

Shetland Seabird Tours – Noss Boat Trips (www.shetlandseabirdtours.com)

Simmer Dim Charters Boat Trips from Aith (www.simmerdimcharters.com)

Sailing Trips on the Swan (www.swantrust.com)

Seabirds-and-Seals Noss Boat Trips (www.seabirds-and-seals.com)

Mousa Boat Trips (www.mousa.co.uk)

Westside Sea Adventures (see facebook page)

Island Vista Tours (www.islandvista.co.uk)

Island Trails Guided Tours (www.island-trails.co.uk) 

Nicolson’s Tours (www.nicolsonsgroup.com)

Go Shetland Tours (www.goshetlandtours.co.uk) 

Grantfield Garage Private Tours (www.grantfieldgarage.co.uk) 

J & DS Halcrow Shetland Explorer Tours (www.shetlandexplorer.co.uk)

Robertsons Tours (www.rrobertsonandson.com)

Discover Shetland Tours (www.discovershetland.net)

Shetland Nature Tours (www.shetlandnature.net)

Shetland Rural Experience Tours (www.shetlandruralexperience.co.uk)

Sumburgh Head Visitor Centre (www.shetlandamenity.org/visit-sumburgh-head)

Every care is taken in the compilation of this list. If you are aware of any errors or need details amended or added, please contact our office or send an email to [email protected]