Uncharitable to trustees (Jonathan Wills)
Ian Tinkler (Readers’ Views, The Shetland Times, 18th September) wonders why the Shetland Charitable Trust is so concerned about being short of funds that it’s…
READ FULL STORYIan Tinkler (Readers’ Views, The Shetland Times, 18th September) wonders why the Shetland Charitable Trust is so concerned about being short of funds that it’s…
READ FULL STORYWell said Mark Wylie, I agree with every word. The sporting and leisure communities need to wake up to the looming threat to their…
READ FULL STORYThe future of the Peer Education Project in Shetland is uncertain as funding for another year was not approved by the education and families committee
READ FULL STORYThe “funding fairy” culture, the idea that there was a bottomless pit of money for Shetland Arts, has to go.
READ FULL STORYThe bereavement service is to give up counselling clients on Tuesday as it has run out of money after making several unsuccessful applications to potential
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