Reid sisters fiddle their way to Herald Angel award

The Reid sisters' new group Rant.
The Reid sisters’ new fiddle group Rant.

New “chamber-folk” quartet Rant, who include Shetland sisters Jenna and Bethany Reid among their number, have won a Herald Angel award for their performance at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The Reid sisters are accompanied by fellow fiddlers Lauren MacColl and Sarah-Jane Summers, both from the Highlands, and won the award following a show at the St Bride’s acoustic music centre.

The fringe concert, part of the Made in Scotland 2013 programme, marked the launch of the group’s self-titled debut album. Released on 19th August on Make Believe Records, it was reviewed in this newspaper last week.

Now in their 19th year, the Herald Angels are awarded by Glasgow-based newspaper The Herald for excellence across the range of festivals taking place in Edinburgh each August. It is much coveted by performers, companies and event organisers.

Jenna said: “We’re delighted to win the Herald Angel, especially as the other winners at the ceremony came from across the arts spectrum including ballet, literature and classical music. It was a complete surprise and an honour to be recognised for our wee part in the world’s biggest arts festival.”


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