Brutal display from killer whales

Killer whales gave crew and passengers on the Whalsay ferry a hunting display on Monday afternoon in Dury Voe, Laxo.

The whales toyed with a seal, finally taking it under the sea surface to feed on. There appeared to be four to six young killer whales and two large whales.

They remained in the voe for the remainder of the afternoon, disappearing when darkness came.

All photos by Ivan Reid.


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  • David Spence

    • January 14th, 2016 5:00

    I don’t see anything brutal in seeing nature in the raw.

    What is more disturbing is a species of animal known as ‘ Homosapien ‘ and what this species is doing to the planet, environment and the ‘ mass extinction ‘ of species of other forms of life.

    The most dangerous animal on this planet is the ‘ human being ‘ governed and controlled by the human-made concept of money (Capitalism). It is this which is the cause to many of the problems this planet has in terms of pollution, the destruction of natural habitat (through agriculture, living space) as mentioned, the greatest mass extinction of life on this planet since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

    Lets end on a positive note though………….as long as ‘ Profits ‘ can be made.

    Why should we as a species care how we treat planet Earth and the life that is on it, eh???????

  • Haydn Gear

    • January 16th, 2016 11:47

    I agree with you David. The worrying thing is , as I think you were implying (tongue in cheek) , is that short term “Profit” will become long term ” Loss” and it would probably be impossible to have a healthy fresh start. The dinosaurs won’t be returning any time soon.

    • David Spence

      • January 16th, 2016 17:17

      not so sure about that, Haydn………There are still a few dinosaurs in existence. I believe they hang out around Westminster, at a place called Parliament. lol I also believe one particular species is called ‘ Toriouselfisheanusbastardeous ‘ is still prying around annoying anything it comes across. I believe it has grasped the skill of communicating, where it has been heard saying ‘ profits at all costs, profits forever ‘ or sounds similar too this. lol It is a pity this was not wiped out earlier. lol

      • Henry condy

        • January 17th, 2016 15:18

        When you think of Puffins and other birds flying as far south as Dundee to catch sand eels for their chicks because the seas around Shetland have been hoovered of the sand eels, their diet , to make fertiliser, it’s disgusting, man is killing the planet for cash , look at Africa , Syria , when they do not care about human beings , and dead five year old children get washed ashore, like useless flotsam, then it is time to think, humanity or profit.

  • Haydn Gear

    • January 16th, 2016 21:35

    It seems to me David that the dinosaurs around Westminster are not too intent on being ferociously committed to anything other than lining their pockets and then skipping off to the subsidised restaurant and bar. As for the so called upper house,just turning up to collect a tasty handout,they must surely carry vibrating phones (no, not vibrators ! ) to wake them up when it’s time to scarper.

  • Duncan Simpson

    • January 17th, 2016 9:49

    Can’t readers just enjoy these nature photos without having to read anti-capitalist political ramblings?

    • David Spence

      • January 17th, 2016 20:42

      Not quite Duncan. Think about the destruction of natural habitat (mainly due to agriculture (as a consequence of greed, greater expansion all of which is based on money. Agriculture produces more pollution and green houses gases than all the modes of transport put together, but we do nothing about this) as well as living space for an every increasing population) the largest extinction of species since the dinosaurs (since the 1970’s 42% of species have been made extinct due to human activity) it is believed, a western society (mostly the USA) which puts selfish greed and wealth ahead of anything else. This wealth based on a human-made concept of money, which has no place in any natural laws of nature or the Universe.

      As a species, we spent more on technology on how to destroy ourselves (the new Trident Missile replacement estimated to cost around £162 billion) as well as the planet than we do to try and co-exist with nature, the environment and other species…………which we are part of……..although some people may not think so.

      We, as a species, are doing more harm than good, and it is money which is the largest culprit to this destruction.

  • Haydn Gear

    • January 18th, 2016 10:24

    Well said David. Maybe Duncan is afflicted by tunnel vision or is it that he simply cannot tell the wood from the trees ?

  • Duncan Simpson

    • January 18th, 2016 17:11

    Haydn and David, did I say any of that was not a problem? No.

    Haydn I am not entirely sure what you are getting at with your comment? I am well aware of the problems which the planet is facing but I am not incapable of enjoying some local wildlife photos without going off on an idealistic rant about the evils of capitalism.

    Maybe you should move to China or North Korea, they are not evil capitalists so I am sure they would love to help you save the Environment and eliminate pollution?

  • Haydn Gear

    • January 19th, 2016 20:03

    Duncan , it seems to me from what I have heard and am still hearing that China has started to slide down the slippery slopes of capitalism with huge numbers of cars replacing the humble non polluting bicycle. More Rolls Royce cars are sold there than anywhere else on the planet. As you well know (tongue in cheek surely) China has huge pollution problems which won’t go away whilst it endeavours to become the most powerful nation albeit with India trying to deny them.As for N Korea. –does anyone know or understand that uncivilised fat boy trying to make that place function? Going back to the natural cruelty of animal to animal in order to eat (lovely photos of killer whales) whilst it happens, it can seem to some to be unpleasant but I suppose that’s the way of the world. Personally,I think that vegans are on to something that’s laudable but I’m quite sure their principles will catch on in the wild seas anytime soon. So, we’ll just have to live and die with it. But enjoy it? Not so sure.


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