WATCH: Lifeboat open day proves a big attraction

Crowds turned out for food, fun and entertainment when the Lerwick Lifeboat open day got into full swing.

Victoria Pier was closed off to cars as tea tents offering a variety of temptations were put up instead.

Bairns enjoyed games and candy-floss, while lucky-dips, face painting and balloons were also on offer.

The lifeboat was berthed at Victoria Pier and available for inspection. A trip round Bressay onboard the NorthLink boat was also available.

But some turned out to see some smaller vessels, too. With model boats proving to be quite a draw for many.

There were emergency service displays, with folk from the coastguard and fire service on hand.

There was music, too, with distinctive Baltic tunes coming from Odessa. You can see a sample of their music below.


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