WATCH: Guizer Jarl Halfdan Ragnarsson leads Delting Up-Helly-A’ 2018

The final Up-Helly-A’ festival of 2018 began with a breezy start in Brae this morning.

Guizer Jarl Andrew Hall, aka Halfdan Ragnarsson, led from the front for the 37th Delting Up-Helly-A’.

His 44-strong squad’s first outing was to the Northern Lights Function Room for speeches and refreshments.
Brae Hall was the next port of call for pictures with the galley Fragar, before visits to Lunnasting, Brae and Mossbank schools.

The schoolchildren were delighted to hear the squad’s upbeat Ska anthems – as were many of the teachers, it seemed.

Brae Primary School headteacher Billy Forsyth said he could not remember a better performance from a squad in the 10 years of their visits.

Lunch provided by Enquest followed at the Mossbank Hall.

This afternoon, the squad will visit Northhaven Care Centre, the Mid Brae Inn and Voe Hall, where the squad will have tea with family, friends and invited guests.

Tonight, the procession will be held in Brae, with light up at 7.30pm. The squads will then make their way around the halls in the Delting area, with the Brae Hall, Delting Boating Club, Mossbank Hall, Voe Hall and Vidlin Hall all open to host what will no doubt be a lively, entertaining and memorable evening.

Thanks to Danny Peterson for the report.


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