School pupils’ artwork showcased in Da Gadderie exhibition

An exhibition showcasing the quality and diversity of artwork created by pupils aged between three and 18 from schools across Shetland is to be shown in the Museum and Archives.
Shetland Schools Art Exhibition portrays a child’s journey through school. The pieces on display range from models of jaguars (the big cat rather than the car) seascapes, portraits, imaginary scenes and design boards to jewellery. The artworks also vary hugely, with work that is bold, subtle, innocent, gentle, complex and layered on display.
John Hunter, Shetland Museum and Archives exhibitions officer, said: “This is one of the most diverse exhibitions we have ever shown and it gives a real insight into the pupils’ talent, imagination and creativity. The dedication and ingenuity of Shetland’s art and design teachers also shines through.”
It was Shetland’s 17 art and design teachers who came up with the idea of showing the pupils’ work in a public space. They explained why: “Our pupils achieve so much, and sometimes we don’t think they realise how wonderful their artwork is. We hope seeing it like this will inspire them further.”
The teachers undertook the Herculean task of curating this wide-ranging exhibition. Two years of planning and debating later and they have produced a show which highlights their pupils’ talents at their best. With well over 100 artworks on display, as well as filling Da Gadderie space, they have hung pieces in the corridor leading to the foyer, giving visitors a taster to the exhibition as they enter the building.
Head of the schools service Helen Budge said: “It is great to work with the Museum and Archives to exhibit our pupils’ work in a professional gallery space. Our art and design teachers have curated this cross Shetland exhibition with great skill and commitment and we would like to thank them for all their hard work in putting on this ambitious show. We are delighted with the outcome, which demonstrates the fantastic breadth of talent we have in our schools. The pupils should all be very proud of their artwork.”
The exhibition will be in the Shetland Museum and Archives from Saturday until the 6th December.
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