Police investigation after man’s body found in Lerwick house

Police enquiries are underway after a man’s body was discovered in a house in Lerwick yesterday.

A statement from Northern Constabulary said investigations were being carried out into the circumstances surrounding the man’s death, however no further details are being released until the next of kin have been informed. It is though the death may have been drug-related.

The investigation comes as police also look into three separate incidents around the isles.

A 46-year-old man has been charged with supplying “a notable amount of alcohol” to an under age drinker. A report is being sent to the procurator fiscal.

Meanwhile Northern Constabulary has seized a car belonging to a 57-year-old man reported for drink driving for the second time in five years.

The move is made possible under joint guidelines from the Crown Office and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS).

Police have also cautioned and charged a youth with causing damage to a council building in Lerwick. The youngster will be the subject of a report to the Children’s Reporter.


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